A guide to understanding your acne treatment options in Perrysburg and Fremont, OH
At some point in most of our lives, acne will rear its ugly head. And, while this common condition is frequently considered a “rite of passage” for teens, newborn babies can develop it. On the other end of the age spectrum, some of our middle-aged patients at Mitchell Dermatology in Perrysburg and Fremont, OH, are experiencing acne for the first time! So, pimples are not limited to a particular phase of life. It is your good fortune, though, to live in northwest Ohio, with access to Dr. Hope Mitchell, a board-certified dermatologist. She has developed a keen interest in acne/complexion treatment over her more than 25-plus-year career.
Understanding acne
Follicles are the channels through which hair grows. When these structures become plugged up with substances like oil and dead skin cells, white or black dots and red bumps can form. These dots and bumps are known as “acne.” Hormones can be to blame; teens and older women may be particularly susceptible to acne outbreaks due to hormonal fluctuations. Androgen hormones, for instance, can overstimulate the glands which secrete oil.
Depending on what we find during a consultation with you, hormone therapy may be recommended to treat patients with acne who have overly high levels of androgens. In these cases, acne may be accompanied by other symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles.
It bears repeating: Acne is not caused by a lack of cleanliness. You can’t become “pimple-faced” by eating greasy foods or chocolate. Stress alone isn’t at the root of your outbreaks. With that being said, stress and other lifestyle factors can worsen outbreaks.
Understanding treatment options
Our knowledgeable and experienced team appreciates that acne comes in numerous forms, from whiteheads and blackheads to tender papules, nodules, and painful pus-filled cysts. Acne is graded mainly on a scale of “1” to “4,” with mild acne on one end of the spectrum and severe acne on the other. We take a professional, compassionate, gentle, and non-judgmental approach to examining your skin and discussing your concerns. Once we better understand the type and severity of acne present, we can develop an effective treatment plan. Be aware that you can have more than one type of acne at a given time. During treatment, we may recommend the following:
- Topical creams and other medications that are applied directly to the skin
- Systemic medications affect the body as a “system” (not just the skin); for instance, antibiotics fight bacteria and inflammation.
- Therapies; for example, light-based procedures, extractions and drainage, and resurfacing techniques (chemical peels)
The ideal “medicine” is prevention. The team at Mitchell Dermatology also takes a particular interest in skin care consultations and the development of regimens that protect the skin and keep it healthy and looking fabulous. By reducing the severity and frequency of outbreaks, we can restore or maintain your confidence and prevent the development of scars – often painful reminders of past eruptions. Contact us today at 419.871.3737 to schedule your consultation in Perrysburg or Fremont.
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Hope Mitchell, MD, is the founder and medical director of Mitchell Dermatology and an Ohio board-certified medical and cosmetic dermatologist. Dr. Mitchell has 25 years of expertise in the field. She is prepared to meet every skin care need with a personalized, one-of-a-kind treatment plan that you deserve.